White Tiger SM
A$ 640.00
H16cm including base x 17cm x 9cm
The tiger embodies ferocity, pride and valour. Small wonder, then, the commonplace adoption amongst ancient militaries of its name and image. However, the tiger is also nurturing, prudent and intuitive, powerful traits associated with yin energy and conducive to commerce. As guardian of the west, the White Tiger represents autumn, dusk, and the element of metal.
Xu Xiao Yong’s magnificent tiger, wreathed in cosmic flames, pads nonchalantly through its domain. Light playing across its body shows off the creature’s impressive musculature as it prepares to step onto earth. In fine pewter on a bronze-hued composite resin base.
About the collection
Xu Xiao Yong, lauded as one of China’s top sculptors, presents his interpretation of the Four Symbols, benevolent guardians of the cosmos.