Five Elements Plaque Pair
H47cm x 8.5cm x 3cm
A pair of auspicious phrases, both embodying the Five Elements concept of interconnectedness, appear in a flowing calligraphic script:
生生不息 Sheng sheng bu xi, or perpetual regeneration
風生水起 Feng sheng shui qi, or exponential progress
Sculpted in pewter and treated in a silky black finish, the lively calligraphy contrasts against extravagantly textured gold-toned panels in composite resin. Pewter ideograms of the Five Elements nestle amongst the characters.
About the collection
The millennia-old Five Elements philosophy, conceived to explain natural phenomena, and to restore balance and harmony, forms the core of Freeman Lau’s collection. A 4-character seal for ‘perpetual regeneration’, a tenet of the concept, marks the collection.