Winnie the Pooh has captivated children and grown-ups alike since 1926, when stories of the teddy bear living in the Hundred Acre Wood were first published. Enchantingly portrayed in print and on screen, Pooh’s world and idyllic existence, albeit one with a very active social calendar of visits and adventures with his band of friends, continues to delight fans.
In association with Walt Disney Co., Royal Selangor invites the young and young at heart into the world of the tubby little cubby with a big heart, and a bigger appetite.
Winnie the Pooh
Limited Edition Gilt Winnie the Pooh Music CarouselOut of stock
Winnie the Pooh Music Carousel
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Limited Edition Pooh & Piglet Figurine
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Limited Edition Gilt Pooh & Piglet Figurine
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Piglet Spork
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